iDZ-2025 @ Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft
This year we are taking part in the "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft" (Long Night of Science) with our joint project "iDZ-2025" together with other research projects from the Faculty of Computer Science. The Long Night of Science is one of the largest scientific communication events in the Nuremberg metropolitan region and the largest long night of its kind in Germany.
We can be found on October 21, 2013 at the main location of the Nuremberg Institute of Technology (Keßlerplatz 12, 90489 Nuremberg) in room KA.440.
Come along and immerse yourself in photorealistic 3D scenes!

Update (October 24, 2013):
Upon request from several visitors, we are also pleased to provide our posters online:

(The posters are unfortunately only available in German.)