
Curriculum Vitae

General Information

Full Name Simon Seibt
Languages German, English


  • 2019 - Present
    Ph.D. in Computer Science for Media
    University of Würzburg & Nuremberg Institute of Technology
    • Working Title: Image-based Media Production Pipeline
    • Advisory Committee
      • Prof. Dr. Bartosz von Rymon Lipinski (Nuremberg Institute of Technology)
      • Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik (University of Würzburg)
      • Prof. Dr. Sebastian von Mammen (University of Würzburg)
    • BayWISS cooperative doctorate
    • Member (Doctoral Researcher) of the Graduate School Science and Technology (GSST), Würzburg
  • 2018
    M.Sc. in Computer Science
    Nuremberg Institute of Technology
    • Focus on (alternative) 3D real-time rendering methods
    • Thesis Topic: Generation and Visualization of Interactive Image-based 3D Scenes Using Feature-based Morphing
  • 2016
    B.Sc. in Computer Science
    Nuremberg Institute of Technology
    • External thesis in the joint research project SMARTEST(*) (Consortium: Areva GmbH, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg University of Applied Sciences)
    • Thesis Topic: Conception and Prototypical Realization of a WebGL Application for Ensuring Physical Security in an I&C Cybersecurity Model


  • 2018 - Present
    Research Assistant
    Game Tech Lab, Nuremberg Institute of Technology
    • Research Areas
      • Computer Graphics (Image-based Modeling and Rendering - IBM/IBR)
      • Computer Vision for Computer Graphics
      • Virtual Reality
      • Game Content Generation
      • Image Processing
    • Collaboration on research proposals
    • Involvement in teaching and supervision
    • Participation in academic self-administration
    • Elected member of the Faculty Council (as a representative of academic staff) for the period: 2019-2023 (two terms)
  • 2017 - 2018
    Student Assistant
    Game Tech Lab, Nuremberg Institute of Technology
    • Software development
    • Assistance in the scientific projects of the lab (image-based computer graphics, applications from game engineering and game design)
    • Robot programming and choreography development for university events
  • 2016 - 2017
    Working Student in the joint research project SMARTEST(*)
    Areva GmbH
    • Further development and optimization of the WebGL prototype of the bachelor thesis
    • Web tool development for capturing ISO/IEC security requirements for a I&C cybersecurity model
    • Supervision of interns and support for Ph.D. candidates in scientific activities
    • (*) Overall objective of SMARTEST: Evaluation of methods for testing information security in critical I&C systems using smart test case generation (Subproject: Simulation environment and model-based test approaches)
  • 2012 - 2016
    Working Student
    Areva GmbH
    • Front-end & back-end development of .NET desktop apps (Internal information systems for supporting the organization & data management of large projects)
    • Database development